Launch and scale-up for enterprise and consumer software: SaaS/PaaS, mobile apps, tech consulting & marketplaces.

We operate in global markets since 2015.

Product marketing for apps and business software

Our services

Go-to-market strategy: market research, acquisition channels, and tools.
NOTA Mole (US, 2021)
CVMira (Poland, 2021)
GetFloorPlan (US, 2022)
Encvoy (Spain, 2022)
3planesoft (Global, 2024)
Mobile apps promotion: appstore optimization & conversion rate optimizations (ASO & CRO), as well as paid user acquisition.
AdGuard VPN (2019-23)
Draewil (MENA, 2019-20) (Global, 2021-22)
Dragon Family (US, 2021)
Muver (US, 2022)
LifeScan app (US, 2024)
Public relations: editorial services and media relations, pitching bloggers.
AdGuard (2017-2023)
AlignedResearch (2020) (2022)
Linked Helper (2023-24)
Product soft launch: test launches with measurable outcomes, hypothesis check, marketing. (Global, 2016)
BadBoysApps (US, 2018-19)
FitForBucks (US, 2018-20)
GetFloorPlan (US, 2022+)
LifeScan app (US, 2024)
Content production: editorial and media tailored to marketing channels: email, social media, blogging-as-a-service, marketing mentorship. Specifically for developer tools, martech and edtech. Special conditions for YCombinator and Alchemist acceleration programs participants.
OptimaJet (Global, 2018-22)
Eyerene (2021)
InsightArc (2021)
CourseFactory (2023)

Content marketing: planning, production, and publishing. Sponsored and guest expert-grade articles on LinkedIn and other platforms
iSpring (Global, 2015)
Recovery Toolbox (2018-23)
FastVideo (2020-2021)
Content localization: UX copywriting and proofreading by high-tech industry experts

Latest cases

Our team

  • Vitaliy Yanko
    managing partner, C-level mentor
    Business development and marketing in tech and education since 2001. Marketing mentor for C-levels.
  • Tim Vatolin
    senior editor, head of analytics
    Content production and business research since 2014. Head of analytics & content department.
  • Alexey Pisarev
    senior editor, head of PR
    Experienced editor working in IT/telco industry since 2006. Specialized in tech PR since 2008.
  • Ksenia Chirskayya
    project manager, head of SMM
    Business development and social media marketing management in Tech since 2021. Head of SMM.
  • Tatiana Tepenitsyna
    project manager, content marketing
    Project manager with content production & content marketing focus for the tech startups.
  • Brian Tarr
    head of localization
    US-born native editor, UX copywriter and proofreader in Tech since 2013. Voiceover artist, video tutorials editor.

Locations and contacts

Tbilisi • Helsinki • Yerevan • Łuków • Sofia
© Softwarelead, minding our business since 2015